3 Things You Need To Know About Tear Stains In Dogs

If you're like most people who've recently made the commitment to sharing their life and home with a canine companion, you naturally want your dog to be as happy and healthy as possible. If you've decided on a light-colored dog, however, you may have noticed that your pet has developed discolorations around the eye area and aren't sure what they are or what is causing them. This condition is commonly known as tear stains, and it ranges from noticeably visible orange-brown discolorations under and around your pet's eye area to barely-there blotches and splotches that come and go. [Read More]

Should Your Dog Or Cat Be Eating Organic?

A decade or two ago, eating organic was seen as a sort of fringe diet, and not a lot of people were doing it. That has changed. Now, not only are more people eating organic, but they are also beginning to feed organic food to their pets! Should your dog or cat be eating organic? Well, there are some very real benefits to doing so. Less skin irritation So many dogs and cats suffer from low-key skin irritation that causes itchiness, flaking, and hair loss. [Read More]

Look for These Traits When You Buy a Dog Bed

When you shop for an extra-large dog bed, there are several different factors that you'll be thinking about. Choosing a bed that offers enough surface area is ideal because you don't want your pet to be hanging off the bed while it sleeps — potentially waking up with sore muscles. You may also be keen on finding a dog bed with a cover that matches the room in which the bed will live. [Read More]

"What Is A Live Rock For A Fish Aquarium?" And Other Questions

When you start out with a saltwater aquarium, it will be such a learning experience. From the water that you fill the tank with to the fish that you choose, every little thing has to be carefully researched and understood before it goes in. At some point, it will likely be recommended to you that you get a live rock, which may conjure up images of some kind of slow-moving stone creature with legs. [Read More]